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Castro Lighting

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Driven by a pioneer spirit since 1978, Castro Lighting's long history began with the desire to distribute lighting solutions around the world. The passion for design naturally grew within, as the inspiration came from exciting trips and personal experiences of Mr. Modesto Castro.

It took numerous discoveries to gather the necessary skills and courage to gain ground and create a brand with such a strong character as Castro Lighting. The perfect combination of ethics, motivation, hard work, and passion for industrial design, as well as a fascinating journey of discovery, made Castro Lighting internationally known.

When it comes to brass-work, the brand is famous for its singularity, extraordinary quality, and unparalleled beauty. The ultimate fusion between the authenticity of traditional Portuguese metal-work techniques, creative craftsmanship, and artistic masters continuously delivers the next step in innovation. This way, a wide range of products in different styles is created to provide the ideal lighting to any interior design project.



LOTE 47, R/C B


T. +351 244 835 067
F. +351 244 835 593
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